Dizziness and Vertigo
Dizziness and vertigo are very common subjective symptoms prompting people to consult their physicians. Dizziness refers to a feeling of lightheadedness, weakness, or unsteadiness. The term vertigo is reserved for a false sense of motion—usually a spinning or rotating motion—that a person feels when he or she is stationary. Making the distinction between dizziness and vertigo is important because true vertigo is often caused by an inner-ear disease, especially if hearing loss, ear pressure, or ringing in the ears (tinnitus) is present. Other symptoms may include nausea and vomiting. Dizziness, on the other hand, is associated with a wide variety of conditions such as central nervous system disorders (such as stroke); cardiovascular disease; head injury, or; other diseases (such as Meniere’s disease, a disorder of the inner ear) or other conditions. Both dizziness and vertigo, however, may be temporary and harmless or indicate the presence of a more serious illness.
How NUCCA treatment can help
Because the cervical spine is so important in eye, head, and body movement and orientation, a vertebral subluxation (misalignment of the spinal bones) can cause the feeling of dizziness or vertigo. A specific type of vertigo known as cervicogenic vertigo usually is the result of trauma to the cervical spine. Sensory organs, including the eyes, ears, and sinuses, receive their nerve supply from the nerves of the upper cervical spine. Therefore, when the upper cervical spine misaligns, these nerves can become irritated and affect the sensory organs. This irritation can cause vertigo.
Specific imaging studies of the cervical (upper neck) region are taken to locate a misalignment of the vertebrae. Insight Subluxation Station space age technology is used to scan, measure and monitor the nervous system for possible irritation. If a misalignment causing nerve irritation is found, then very specific gentle adjustments are made, by hand, to correct the misaligned vertebrae in the neck. After the adjustment is made, follow-up imaging studies and nervous system scans are taken to confirm a successful spinal correction.