The upper cervical spine is a part of the body that many people take for granted. However, it is an integral component in our head and neck movement, central nervous system function, and brainstem activity. In fact, upper cervical problems can cause symptoms such as fatigue, dizziness, asthma attacks and more! Fortunately there are options to help with these conditions. One option is NUCCA–National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association. This procedure focuses on the biomechanics of the upper cervical spine (neck) and its influence on central nervous system function. It also helps improve brain stem functioning which has been shown to have a positive effect on health conditions like asthma or carpal tunnel syndrome.

Here are some examples of what NUCCA can help with:

1.- Asthma

Because the immune and respiratory systems are closely connected, it is common for asthma and allergies to occur together. Normal function of the immune and respiratory systems are controlled and coordinated through proper communication between the brain and spinal cord. More specifically, the autonomic nervous system (ANS) is a specific division within the body’s nervous system that is responsible for organizing the function of the organs, glands, and blood vessels.

Specific imaging studies of the cervical (upper neck) region are taken to locate a misalignment of the vertebrae. Insight Subluxation Station space age technology, is used to scan, measure and monitor the nervous system for possible irritation.

If a misalignment is found to affect the ANS, then very specific gentle adjustments are made, by hand, to correct the misaligned vertebrae in the neck. After the adjustment has been made, follow-up imaging studies and nervous system scans are taken to confirm a successful spinal correction.

2.- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

The standard medical approach to treating CTS may include a splint to immobilize the wrist, diuretics (water pills), anti-inflammatory drugs, or corticosteroid shots to reduce swelling. As a last resort, surgery may be performed, but recovery may take months or years, and even if the pain is eliminated, symptoms may return over time.

In the NUCCA approach, it is important not only to treat symptoms but also to determine the cause of the problem. The NUCCA practitioner usually examines the neck and spine before the wrist. There are a group of nerves that come out of the mid- to lower-neck region and branch out to the arms, hands, and fingers. Pressure on any of these nerves, especially the median nerve, may result in CTS.

3.- Chronic Ear and Sinus Infections

Normal immune system function is controlled and coordinated through proper communication between the brain and spinal cord. More specifically, the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) is a specific division within the body’s nervous system which is responsible for the organization of the function of the organs, glands, and blood vessels. If the ANS becomes irritated because of a misalignment of the cervical spine, the immune response may be affected and the body would have less of an ability to fight infection.

4.- Chronic Neck and Back Pain

Chronic neck or back pain can take years of nerve irritation and spinal misalignment to develop. So it may take a number of visits to the NUCCA-care practitioner to alleviate or eliminate the problem and its symptoms. After a careful consultation, history, physical examination, imaging studies, and a computerized nervous system evaluation, the practitioner determines the cause of the neck or back pain and how to correct it. 

The NUCCA procedure is extremely effective for providing relief in many chronic back pain cases. By gently restoring the spine to its proper position, body balance is restored. This balance can help alleviate stress on the spinal nerves, reduce chronic pain, increase range of motion, and improve function. In addition to spinal adjustments, NUCCA care also emphasizes proper nutrition, adequate exercise, sufficient rest, and stress management in the treatment of chronic neck and back pain.

5.- Diziness and Vertigo

Because the cervical spine is so important in eye, head, and body movement and orientation, a vertebral subluxation (misalignment of the spinal bones) can cause the feeling of dizziness or vertigo. A specific type of vertigo known as cervicogenic vertigo usually is the result of trauma to the cervical spine. Sensory organs, including the eyes, ears, and sinuses, receive their nerve supply from the nerves of the upper cervical spine. Therefore, when the upper cervical spine misaligns, these nerves can become irritated and affect the sensory organs. This irritation can cause vertigo.

6.- Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is thought to be caused by trauma to the upper cervical region of the spine.

This trauma could cause compression of the brainstem, causing Substance P to be released throughout the body. Substance P is a brain chemical, or neurotransmitter, that works as a pain messenger. Abnormally high levels of this chemical may account for the chronic pain in patients with fibromyalgia. By correcting any misalignment of the upper cervical spine, many fibromyalgia sufferers get relief from the disability through NUCCA treatment.

7.- Headaches

Headaches are a fairly common pain for everyone, and most people just rely on medication like aspirin to deal with it.  What these people do not realize is that the pain causing the headache may be coming from some other region in the body and will continue unless treated.  Stress, back, and even muscle pain can send pain signals to the nerves, arteries, and veins inside their head to cause these headaches.

Chiropractic care can relieve and correct the problem causing the pain.  We want to help you live your life pain free. There are also ways you can help yourself, like keeping active and getting daily exercise.

8.- Herniated Discs

A disc—a small pad of gel-like tissue surrounded by a thick coating—is sandwiched between each of the bones (vertebrae) that make up the spinal column. Discs, which operate like shock absorbers, cushion the vertebrae, prevent he vertebrae from rubbing together, and allow the spine to bend. Accidents and injuries may cause the spine to misalign. When this misalignment occurs, weight is not distributed evenly across the disc below. The discs may move or “bulge” into the spinal canal or leak out tissue that may press against a nerve. The result is called a herniated, slipped, or ruptured disc.

Before considering an invasive treatment such as surgery, consult with a NUCCA doctor regarding your specific case. In many cases, gentle spinal correction can help to realign the spine, reduce the irritation of the nerve from the herniated disc material, relieve pain, restore spinal mobility, and improve the physical condition of the patient.

9.- Mood Swings

Most people that have mood swings do not even realize how unpredictable their moods can fluctuate. They can become irritable and unreasonable over the smallest of things and sometimes are quite difficult just to be around. Medical doctors mostly treat these symptoms with medications compiled of chemical solutions that may have negative side effects worst than the symptoms themselves.

These moods swings may be the result of a person’s body missing a natural and needed ingredient. Chiropractors take a natural approach to treating these symptoms through diet, supplements and exercise. Many Chiropractic patients have found relief and can live normal, healthy lives again.

10.- Multiple Sclerosis

There are no medications that can remedy multiple sclerosis disorder, although a number of drugs have been shown to slow the progression of MS. An alternative for multiple sclerosis treatment is NUCCA.

The exact cause of MS continues to be investigated, but some research shows us that accidents involving trauma have been linked to the disorder. After a whiplash-like injury has occurred to the upper cervical spine, the vertebra can misalign and cause compression of the brain stem and surrounding nerves. When this misalignment occurs, there is an increased risk of MS lesions—patches of inflammation in the central nervous system in which nerve cells have been stripped of their coating­—forming. Symptoms of MS may begin to develop months or years after such trauma.

NUCCA treatment for multiple sclerosis can help by correcting the spinal misalignments caused by trauma and removing compression of the brain stem and surrounding nerves. After nerve irritation has been removed, proper communication is restored between the brain and spinal cord, and the surrounding nerves. Many patients with multiple sclerosis see relief in their symptoms once this restored communication occurs.

NUCCA in South Florida

Founded by Dr. Gregory Jean-Pierre, the Upper Cervical Institute of Florida is a mission-driven office, practicing precise, gentle, proven and highly effective NUCCA Care. 

Dr. Jean-Pierre received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Logan University in Chesterfield, MO.  He received his undergraduate degree from Barry University in Miami Shores, FL where he received a Bachelor of Science in Sports Medicine Athletic Training. In addition, Dr. Jean-Pierre has 8 years of training in NUCCA Chiropractic through the internship in Chesapeake, VA and Residency in White Plains, NY. Dr. Jean-Pierre is also an active member of the NUCCA Association.

Dr. Jean-Pierre is passionate about delivering precise and effective care with the NUCCA Protocol. A migraine sufferer for 20 years, Dr. Jean-Pierre experienced first-hand the healing effects of NUCCA care. That is why he has dedicated himself to helping others heal naturally.

If you’re looking to heal and want to be treated with care, discover NUCCA and all the ways it can help restore your life. Make an appointment today 

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